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Ways to Reap the Benefits of Essential Oils

Inhalation Through the Olfactory System:

You can breathe in these essential oils through your nasal passage. They work by sending chemical messages to parts of the brain that affect mood and emotion. 

When essential oils are inhaled, the molecules rise to the top of the nose and meet the olfactory mucous membrane. The olfactory membrane has thousands of receptors that identify the smell and thus, the sensory stimulation is sent through the olfactory bulb, which acts as an amplifier, through the olfactory nerve into the limbic system of the brain.

This is the oldest area of the brain. It deals with emotional and psychological responses.

The limbic system is triggered by nerve impulses. The scent is compared to a known scent, compared and labeled, thus we can have memories associated with the scent information and react emotionally and physically through our autonomic nervous system.

These responses are determined by the specific qualities of the essential oil being used, and can range from relaxing to stimulating. The nerve impulse in the limbic system leads to other areas of the brain that are responsible for secreting hormones and regulating body functions.

“Interestingly, visual, auditory (sound), and tactile (touch) information do not pass through these brain areas. This may be why olfaction, more than any other sense, is so successful at triggering emotions and memories.” (Psychology Today)

To use an oil diffuser: Mix 2-8 drops of essential oil with water (either tap or distilled per the diffuser’s instructions) into a diffuser. The diffuser breaks apart the oil into tiny molecules and disperses them through the air.


Topical Application Through the Skin:

The skin is relatively permeable to fat soluble substances and relatively impermeable to water soluble substances. Essential oil molecules are so minute that when they are applied to the skin; they are able to pass through the strateum corneum (the outer layer of the epidermis). From here the oil molecule passes through dermis, into the capillaries and into the bloodstream. 

Absorption also occurs through the hair follicles and sweat ducts. There are many factors that effect absorption of an oil molecule. Both rate of circulation and the warmth of the skin increase blood flow to the surface, therefore increasing the skin’s ability to absorb the oil. Circulation and warmth can be increased by massage.

The larger the area of skin that is covered, the more essential oils will be absorbed. The permeability of the skin is also a factor. Thinner skin eg: skin behind the ears and the inside of the wrists are very permeable. The palms of the hands and feet, armpits and scalp will more readily absorb oil molecules than the arms, legs, belly, back etc.

Because of their molecular structure, essential oils are rapidly absorbed by the skin. When applied topically, it takes about 20 minutes for an oil to affect every cell in the body. The oil is then metabolized within a few hours. 

The feet are an excellent place to apply essential oils since they contain thick, less sensitive skin and are far away from mucous membranes, which can be irritated by strong oils like oregano. Also, if you believe in Reflexology, you can target various health issues by applying to certain points along the foot. 

The key to using essential oils is to dilute them properly. Most EOs are too strong to be used directly on the skin without being diluted. Aside from that, diluting essential oils help them spread over a larger surface area of the skin, which helps the oil penetrate your body better, and it’s more cost effective.

Properly diluting essential oils

While diluting ratios can vary depending on the health conditions and sensitivity of person, a general rule of thumb is:

  • Add 1-2 drops of essential oil per 1 teaspoon of carrier oil for adult
  • Add 1-2 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon of carrier oil for children over 2 years of age. (Always do your research before applying oils on kids as they are more sensitive than adults. Don’t use “hot” oils like cinnamon bark, oregano, wintergreen and even peppermint with children.)

What is a carrier oil?

A carrier oil is an oil that is used to dilute the essential oil to make it safe for topical use. Generally any cold-pressed vegetable/fruit oil will do like coconut, olive, sweet almond, avocado, jojoba and rose hip among many others. These are doubly great because the carrier oils usually contain therapeutic qualities like antioxidants or vitamins.

Oral Ingestion:

Studies show that taking essential oils internally is the least effective way to absorb their therapeutic properties. The oil ends up in the digestive tract where it has to pass through the stomach and small intestine before it reaches the bloodstream.

From there the oil molecules which, by now have been chemically altered by the materials they have come into contact with in the stomach and intestine; will reach the liver, pancreas, reproductive organs and eventually be excreted via the kidneys, bladder and large intestine.

It is only advised to take essential oils internally when practicing extreme caution or under the direct advise of a medical doctor who is also a Clinical Aromatherapist.

Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil